Sunday, March 01, 2009

WOW, WOW, WOW. Weather here has been something else. Went to bed 'early' on Friday night - around 10:00 and at 11:30 was awakened by windows blowing open and banging around. Holy moly - the bathroom window had blown open and things had been blown around - so I tried to close it - only problem is that Aymn broke the latch off and said he would fix it - still waiting - so I stuffed an empty toilet paper roll in it and it stayed closed. Then windows in a couple of the other rooms were banging around - so I got them all closed - closed the shutters as well - went back to bed. Just got to sleep and some of windows were banging around again - ARGH. And sounded as if the satellite dishes on the roof were going to be ripped off. Before I had to bed there was some fantastic lightning and thunder.

Yesterday was another miserable day - lots of rain and the wind - YUCK. Would not mind the rain if the wind would just disappear - at least I do not have to water the garden - LOL. Spent yesterday trying to stay warm - was not very successful. Was wishing I could move one of my easy chairs into my bedroom where I had the heater going and the room was warm. Last night there was one booming thunderstorm that passed through - at least with the wind it did not hang around long - but sure made one take attention - it was right overhead and caused everything to rattle. LOVED it - good thing that electrical storms no longer terrify me. I can remember as a little kid hiding in my bedroom with my head under the pillow as the rest of my family stood at the kitchen window watching a thunderstorm roll through. Weather was bad enough I opted to turn off my computer before I went to bed.

Today woke up to some sun - but it is going away - wind is back and is blowing in another bad weather front. Wonder how long this is going to last.

This is a picture of my 'bowab' with a friend of his - Ahmed (bowab) is standing. He is responsible for keeping the building clean, taking out the garbage, getting things maintained (water tank and elevator for starters). He also keeps my car clean - sort of.

This is a picture of one of many rabikya men (he takes things that are broken).

This fellow is selling an assortment of veggies and fruit. They go up and down the streets and some women send down a basket from their balcony or window and he fills the basket with the goods and she pulls it back up.

Just to give you an idea of how fun driving is - these carts are all over the place - on the main streets, the highways - everywhere. Bad enough you have to deal with motor vehicles - but these guys are even worse - as they do not have mirrors or anything - and they seem to think they own the roads - very annoying to those of us that know WE do.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Love the pics!

I am the opposite of you.....

As a child I LOVED thunder and lightening storms.
Now they just freak me out. I am such a wimp since becoming a mom.

I am getting the chills just reading about your storms over there. I hope it does not last for you.