Allow me to introduce you to Baby B - picture taken minutes after his entrance into this world.
This is Baby A - not looking all that thrilled - again taken within minutes of his entrance.
Baby B - giving us the 'eye' - I cannot believe what just happened.
Baby A hooked up to his c-pap machine - to help him with his breathing. Again taken shortly after birth - August 9, 2011
Lincoln Gordon Myers - sleeping peacefully at the Peter Lougheed Centre NICU on August 13, 2011.
Austin Miles Myers - in his mom's arms - at the NICU in Peter Lougheed Centre - also taken on August 13, 2011
Proud papa with Austin - red light on his foot is monitoring oxygen saturation of the blood - Aug. 13, 2011
Austin and grandma communing - notice the little smile. Aug. 13, 2011
Proud papa and Lincoln - such a tiny package of joy. Aug. 14, 2011
Lincoln with grandma - such bliss. Aug. 14, 2011
My boys waving goodbye to me - Aug. 14, 2011.